目前分類:講堂 - 誰是接班人 (3)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Subject:  Marketing campaign for  "Naste Cafe"

Lesson Learning:
      1. 使隊友全力投入最重要
      2. 重要事件. (如花75%的預算去做一件事情)Team Leader 要自己做決策, 並擔責任, 而非以投票決定, 看似民主, 但非經營公司的方式, 可以多聽 team Member 的意見, 但如意見不一致時, Leader要做決定.


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Subject : Refurbish Hotel, Manager Hotel. (With Limited Budget)

Lesson Learning:
      1. Limited Budget & 如何讓客人高興 ==> two key points
      2. Quick review the situation ==> List budget ==> 分派組員
      3. 時間不夠=> 重點處理 ==> then detail ( 例 Priority)
      4. Customer service is most important
            i. Arrange the programe at night
           ii. Give the best warm in the morning.
      5.  Customer happy ==> you are happy.

Leader Learning:
      1.  Leader should listen what team member saying.
      2. Make quick decion but need respect your team member

1. "人在逆境中比順境中更能顥出真實的本能"

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Subject: Burger King 要推六個新口味的 Burger
Lesson learning:
     1. Leader 不要以自我喜惡為主, 應考慮大眾市場
     2. focus on what's your target : 讓客人買當天需 promote 的口味
     3. 定 action point 去達成 : 
             i,  Plan Promotion to attract people (don't do unuseful thing in limit time)
            ii.  堅守最後陣線 to change customer mind ==> how to do ?  讓每個人都有能力處理收銀機, 以期可在最後階段 change their mind.
           iii. 客人去速食店最重要的 "Timing", 要將 Peak hour 考慮進來 ==> 思考不同的方案 (Plan A / Plan B)
     4. Leader Learning:
            i. 如果 team member 有不適任的狀況, 應立刻置換, 將人力做最適當的利用
           ii. Leader 要做最佳 Model, 如人力不足, 要以身做則. 


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